The description of the session is here.
Raul (@hummingbird604) did a live blog of the session. Thanks, Raul!
The overwhelming feedback, during and after the session, face-to-face and digitally, was that the conversation needs to be continued. Currently, we are tossing around the idea of a MentalHealthCamp. Stay tuned - or even better, suggest, help organize, etc. Contact @moritherapy or @hummingbird604 on Twitter.
UPDATE Feb 22, 2009 (1:15pm) Raul (@hummingbird604) created a placeholder post (read here) to propose a one-day Mental Health Camp. Raul proposes that Mental Health Camp have the specific objective of beginning a conversation about how blogging can help de-stigmatize mental illness (as a follow up to the panel organized by Airdrie and where Tod, Airdrie and Isabella presented).
UPDATE Feb 22, 2009 (2:00pm)
Organizational Elements to Consider
I (Raul) feel confident that I can find a room large enough to accomodate about 80-150 people (I don't know how many people would show up, but I am guessing that's a large enough capacity).
Isabella proposes that maybe some time in April. I'd suggest that early in April would be good.
Food, coffee breaks
Raul proposes to have sessions that are at the very least 1.5 hours long (maybe 30 minutes for individual presentations if there are panels of 3, leaving 60 minutes for discussion). This would make for a long day, but we could do the same as with Northern Voice (run concurrent sessions if we have a lot of proposals).
Other issues to consider
- Need to clarify how this session may need to be different in terms of openness for liveblogging, live video streaming, live twittering, recording and posting audio, taking still photos and putting them on flickr, blogging later... either letting attendees know this will be happening so they may want to consider what they reveal with this understanding, or setting some clear parameters about what is / isn't ok for attendees to record/post/tweet/liveblog/take photos of... Might want to post this somewhere too, as some may wander into event late and miss the discussion
Please add anything else you feel would be useful.
In the meantime, feel free to continue the discussion digitally on Isabella's blog. Isabella is thinking about writing specific blog posts about specific issues - any suggestions, let her know!
Here are also Airdrie's blog and Tod's
If mental health is a concern to you, here are some links, in alphabetical order.
American Psychological Association
Can blogging make you happier?
Canadian Mental Health Association
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
Crisis lines in British Columbia
Motivation, Power and Achievement Society (formerly Mental Patient's Association)
Something Fishy - a site for people with eating disorders
Top 10 depression blogs for 2008
Writing as a way of healing
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