photography tips, tricks, techniques, questions and answers
An informal afternoon of photography, photosharing, cameras, and photogeekery.
Bring something to share! - Your prints, gear, ideas, questions, and your smile.
Hosted by kk+.
Time: I'd like to start right after lunch on Friday - 130pm
Kris Krug - taking better photographs
Rachael Ashe - light painting.
Derek K. Miller - depth of field (and maybe a cool little Flickr gallery hack for your blog if there's time)
Tim Bray - high-end pocket cameras [Links]
Alex Waterhouse Hayward - photographing nudes
Novak Rogic - creating photographic mini planets
Duane Storey - selling your photos online and online photo managment software (SmugMug).
Matt Trentacoste - Mad mad photogeekery, and a bit of what it takes to pull good black and whites out of digital images. [link] <-- UPDATED
Miranda Lievers - Natural and found light portraits - what to look for when placing your subject(s), and how to get great natural portraits when you find the light (slides) Super awesome video by Singular
Reilly Lievers - Photographing people using flash and modified light [link]
- Flashes, lighting
- smugmug, flickr, etc.
- retouching
- workflow
- software
- compare/contrast Lightroom vs. Aperture
ATTENDEES: (Pls put your name here if you plan to attend. Pls link to your website or online photos if you have one. Pls add something to the list of topics you'd like to see covered)
Kris Krug - I can lead the Q & A. May prepare a 'How To Take Better Pictures' talk. Can anyone speak on the convergance of the photosharing/stock photography industries? I have an interest in and this and would love to have a discussion if there are others
Ianiv Schweber
Stewart Marshall
Jessica Marshall
Randy Stewart - any tips on the triangle that is ISO, aperture and shutter speed (plus the Aperture/Lightroom comparison)
D'Arcy Norman - I'll try to attend as much as I can, but will have to spend some time in other MooseCamp sessions.
Tim Bray - I'd be happy to do a reprise of last year's survey of high-end pocket cams; the landscape has changed.
Tod M. - Please, please, please something about getting better shots indoors of people (i.e., good flash units? how to hold steady, etc.)
Mike Boronowski - I'm interested in photosharing and lighting mostly, but mad mad photogeekery sounds cool.
Reilly & Miranda Lievers - We'll be there, and can pretty much speak to most things photo related - lighting, shooting indoors, digital workflow, working with your subject, the business side of things, whatever people want to know or that we can contribute to!
Ariane Khachatourians - Would love to hear about workflow and software, esp. streamlining the process
Rob McMahon - lighting, streaming, flickr vs picasa
Tylor Sherman
Kris Obertas - going with the flow, enough interesting stuff will come up I'm sure
Carol Sill
Carol Browne - I'll be there. Very interested in all aspects of photography and working on my technical skills. Looking forward to this.
Joe Zerdin
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