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Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 6 months ago

The social media is allowing diaspora to connect in ways they couldn't before. This has only accelerated the trend started by other technologies like cheaper jet travel, cable television etc


This session will discuss:


  • social media's effect on identity and connection
  • you are what you want to be, if you speak X's language and participate in X's community online, can you be part of X even if you don't live in X land? i think the answer is YES, always been yes and social media just makes it even more yes



I find this interesting and definitely want to come to this one. I agree that participation is (potentially) more global now than ever, but I worry about the implications of claiming to be a part of X even if you don't live in X, with X being any given community.  Should be interesting!



In the absence of Roland, we've started talking amonst ourselves, first of all, to talk about what this session is all about?


What community do you belong to? Can you be part of communities if you're not physically present? Participating in a Filipino community from overseas? Does colour / race matter?


insurgelicious.blogspot.com - Filipino Diaspora in Australia, but disconnected from community. PhD researcher, reconnecting via online community.



Diaspora: Scattered people from a tribe


Using technology to break the physical bonds of diaspora: Jet travel, Cable TV, Capital movements, Social Media, money.


Candace - perspectives from feminism


When you can represent?


When you have accumulated experience/woofie/street cred?


Gray Owl from UK was outed after death? He was regarded as authentic but after outing is he still?


Can you co-opt a community by aggressive or opressive participation?


Does technology drive connectedness? If Roland grew up now, would he feel more Filipino by connecting more using social technology and other technology?


Are we moving to a Snow Crash like world where you can belong to a tribe without being rooted in place?


Shel Israel - Global Neighbourhoods http://redcouch.typepad.com/


Audio for this session: http://northernvoice.podcastspot.com/episodes/5DE44E







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