
2011 Moosecamp

Page history last edited by jnarvey 13 years, 8 months ago

The keyword with Moosecamp is PARTICIPATORY. That's what makes it different from the regular conference sessions - we're looking for sessions that really engage all the participants, be it in hands on exercises or vigorous dialogue.


Tentative Schedule


If you proposed a session above, now is the time to start jockey for a slot. Looks like we currently have more slots than sessions, so hopefully we can accommodate everyone's first choices. Don't be afraid to put your session in an already occupied slot, though. If there are two that really want a slot, we can negotiate something and juggle things around. That's what moose-wrangling's all about.


Time Slot
Room 1410
Room 1416 Atrium
11:00 - 11:45        
Close to the Student Experience
13:00 - 13:45
Death & Digital Legacy
These Are a Few of My Favourite Things  
13:45 - 14:30
Spirituality and Social Media

  Blogger Recruiting! 
14:30 - 15:15
Five Card Northern Voice Flickr Stories

VOCAT (assessment)
15:45 - 16:30 HTML+CSS+JavaScript+flickr=awesome mashups for everyone (any slot is fine except from 1300 to 1430 when I will be at PhotoCamp; not sure if I'll go to all of PhotoCamp, might skip out to hang at MooseCamp TBD)







It looks like, all being well, we'll have access to 2 spaces during the Friday (in parallel to the main Conference); a classroom-like setting (room for 30 or so, like last year) and hopefully also a space in the atrium. We're hoping that, if there are some hands-on or maker-type sessions (of which we've already got a few possibilities) that these might happen in the atrium space, and more discussion-oriented sessions in the classroom-style space, but as with everything moosecamp, it's up to us all to decide, and things are flexible. Please add a note below if you have a session idea (and feel free to link off to more details if you have them) and closer to the date we can start figuring out how the day might look.


Session Proposals


Proposer Name
Put your name/twitter handle here if you think you'd like to participate
HTML+CSS+JavaScript+flickr=awesome mashups for everyone
Roland Tanglao
5 minute lightning talk on why and how anybody can use flickr + HTML5 to quickly and easily write compelling mashups - HTML5 Mashup ideas wanted! Please leave them on the HTML5 ideas page or twitter @rtanglao

@sleslie, @dougsymington, @cogdog,

@kumar, @moritherapy




These Are a Few of My Favourite Things (yes, that link goes where you think it does)  Tod Maffin Bring your laptop. Plug into the projector. Show us the coolest time-saving or productivity app/web site you know. You get three minutes then we're onto the next person. Go! :-) @todmaffin
Drawing on Walls Sandbox Michelle Laurie, Sylvia Currie 

We will bring supplies, set up a sandbox, an provide a little coaching (and lots of enthusiasm) for participants to practice graphic recording during the Friday afternoon Moosecamp sessions. So this isn't really a session. We'll just be in the background having so much fun that you won't be able to resist drawing on walls with us while listening to the talks.



Key Takeaways: Close to the Student Experience
Andrew Kumar, Jamil Rhajiak

Ever wondered how students engage with their university or college? How students retain information and what they do with it?


By opening a conversation about blogging (including video blogging) and social media, we aim to explore how social media presence and activity can augment + minimize the resources required in building meaningful and lasting social relationships with a "younger" audience.


This is intended as a 'straight-up' discussion + white-board + brainstorming session. Topics may include: traditional blogging, microblogging, mobileblogging, platforms, tools, uses... anything.


We'll prepare a few visuals to spark conversation and keep them in the deck in-case there are lulls.


@jrhajiak, @maryleong,



Build Your Own PirateBox: Community-sourced webradio w/ a low-power FM radio mod
Grant Potter, Scott Leslie
Come and learn more about the PirateBox (  that will be running throughout NorthernVoice. We're hoping for maybe a short general session (30 mins or less) in the "talkie" space, followed up by a longer hands-on session for people who want to learn the specifics of how to build one themselves.  Piratebox components will be available for tutorials.

@rtanglao, @dougsymington, @cogdog, @noiseprofessor




Doing a Photo/Video/Whatever-a-day project  D'Arcy Norman, et al...  How do you motivate yourself to do one of these darned projects? Why would any sane person do this? How do you keep going? Why? What's in it for me? But, who wants to see all that crappy stuff? Do these questions ever stop? Seriously, more questions?  (I've been doing a 365photos project since 2007 - along with lots of other folks)

@dlnorman, @rtanglao, @cogdog





Five Card Northern Voice Flickr Stories  Alan Levine  I made create a version of Five Card Flickr stories ( for the 5cardnv flickr tag. Come make stories as a group from the pool, on your own, or learn more how to set up your own version of this site. Or just tag some stuff now to get it in the pool. Am also diddling with a pecha kucha page that is triggered out of the pool. @giuliaforsythe
That's the Stupidest Thing I Ever Heard of... Alan Levine That was my line the first time I heard about twitter. There is a ton of stupid and silly things on the internet, but sometimes on the mix is something of more than idle interest. Bring your whackiest web site and share what it does. I will launch with a group created Blabberize. My other sources include (Scott, you can scratch this one, I am saying this title when I think about this session) @sleslie
Spirituality and Social Media  Isabella Mori  How do you have conversations about spirituality in social media?  Do you?  Why?  Why not?  Do you find you have to stay away from them because the theism/atheism debates are just too acrimonious, the evangelicals too loud, the New Agers too sticky sweet and the Enlightened Ones too sanctimonious?  Or do you plow ahead anyway?  As you can see, this is meant as a (non-acrimonious!) discussion; I swear I won't try to convert you to the Church Of The Flying Spaghetti Monster.




AttentionCamp: Cultivating Focus in an Age of Distractions Scott Leslie (@sleslie) Spending much of our lives online, and increasingly enmeshed in social networks, can be awfully distracting. This session will be an open sharing of some of the strategies people have evolved to cope with distraction and cultivate attention and focus in their online work and lives.

@moritherapy, @amberstrocel






Death and Digital Legacy Jim DeLaHunt @jdlh

Many of us are likely to die eventually, or become unable to care for our blogs, photo galleries, social media profiles, etc. What do we want to happen in that event?  How can we ensure that it does happen?  What policies do service providers have in place about what happens to your account when you die?

Blogger Recruiting

Jonathon Narvey


Want to blog for a multi-contributor blog or write local news stories for an online publication? Now's your chance! Tables will be set up for you to meet with the Editors of OpenFile Vancouver, Plank Magazine, The Propagandist and other awesome sites.

@shanebee @jnarvey








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