Moose Camp is an island of (wonderful, luscious, creative, chocolate-filled) spontaneity in an ocean of scheduling and predictability. The time and format is deliberately left open - it will be determined by the participants (US!). The time may be used for hands-on activities, free-form discussions, impromptu presentations on topics of interest, or something we cannot yet imagine...
Though we will not set a plan in advance, we'd love to get a sense of what is bubbling up via this wiki.
Put your suggestions here!
- I think another session of "These Are a Few of My Favourite Things," as done in previous Moosecamps, would be fun. —todmaffin
- Graphic Facilitators Jam Session - come practice, share tips. Bring pens, chalk, paper, ipads and chocolate - nancywhite
- How I reclaimed my stuff (self-hosting for fun and profit. well, except for the part about profit...) - dlnorman +1 (I'm thinking cosmically as well!)
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